Board of Directors

Board of Directors, which makes significant contributions to the formation of the corporate identity, is the top management unit of Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History. Under the chairmanship of the Supreme Council head, the Board of Directors consists of three members to be elected by the President, one member to be elected by the relevant Minister, and the head of the sub-institutions of the Supreme Council. The term of office of the members to be elected by the President and the relevant Minister is three years. Expired members can be re-elected.


Board of Directors

Title/ Name Position/Institution
1.Prof. Dr. Muhammet HEKİMOĞLU President – Atatürk Supreme Council for Culture, Language and History
2.Dr. Zeki ERASLAN Member – Deputy President of Atatürk Culture Center
3.Assoc.Prof. Yüksel ÖZGEN Member – Deputy President of Atatürk Research Center
4.Prof. Dr. Gürer GÜLSEVİN Member – President of Turkish Language Association
5.Prof. Dr. Birol ÇETİN Member – President of Turkish Historical Society
6.Prof. Dr. Muhittin MACİT Member